For us, this issue takes a central point in the association policy, and although the issue is discussed at great times, we – as the majority of all anglers – a clear position: Children benefit from it early on with Start fishing.

In the following, we would like to briefly discuss the background of this assessment.

Fishing is an “analog” balance to digital development.

In a world where our children’s future opportunities depend largely on their skills in mastering digital media, many aspects of “real life” fall by the wayside.
Experiencing nature gives way step by step to experiencing a virtual world in front of your computer, tablet, smartphone or TV.

The stay on the water counteracts this alienation of nature, it requires a holistic perception of oneself and the environment. “Being outside” is not only mental but also physically a challenge that the child cannot experience in front of the TV.

And that’s where fishing comes in

Through fishing, the child learns many biological and ecological connections without pressure and completely by itself:
How does an animal breathe underwater? Why is a fish as cold as in the saying? Which fish occurs in which body of water? What eats which fish, so what bait does it take to catch a particular fish? What kind of water are the chances of a bit high, at what water state are they virtually excluded? To what extent does this knowledge influence the choice of a suitable fishing spot? Which fish can be caught, which are rare and protected? How big can which species become? And how fast do fish grow at all? What does growth have to do with nutrition?

Fishing stimulates the exploration of the production and origin of our food:
Where does the animal come from, which of course is on the plate every day? What does it mean to use this animal as food? What local (and global) contexts does meat consumption have? Is it perhaps better to personally purposefully take an animal for consumption from our ecosystem (as fishing and hunting practice) as the meat of sometimes dubious origin from thousands of kilometres away, of often poor quality and under Conditions that are harmful to animal welfare are produced, ready to buy packaged in the supermarket?

Fishing promotes personality development:
The child decides for himself under what conditions it is ethically justifiable to kill an animal. It learns how to kill an animal and still treat it respectfully. As an angler, the child must be patient and focused. It has to be able to deal with frustration. It needs to be able to think and act strategically, but also deviate from strategy at the right moment. Possible fear of contact over other creature is being dismantled. And if you don’t have to have disgust with a fish or cancer, maybe there are other, unfounded fears that you can degrade by the way?

Fishing is fun – no matter what age:
It is an exciting occupation with itself, the material and nature, which promises ever-greater experiences of success with more and more practice. The stereotype of old men sitting at the pond during the day with beer bottle and undershirt and in the dusty club home in the evening is largely out of step with reality these days. Fishing is a healthy and dynamic sport that fascinates youth as much as the older generation. And it is precisely the collaboration between young and old, the synergy of experience, passion and curiosity, that helps to make fishing a family and generation-friendly leisure activity – and still, actively do something for our environment and for oneself!